
Saturday, November 6, 2010

What a difference a week can make

A week or so ago I sat down with Ian Capstick from Media Style and we had a chat about how I can apply my new-found experience and interest in social media to career roles.  He suggested that I build up a website where I can focus on my portfolio which, basically, gave way to this site getting a total revamping.  You'll likely notice that my portfolio page is still listed as under construction because frankly I have been swamped.  I sat down with Luc Lalande from Carleton University's Innovation Transfer Office and discussed further options I could look into.  Shortly after that I was downtown meeting with councilor-elect Scott Moffatt.  What was to be a short meeting turned into a rather lengthy, yet very enjoyable discussion. 

Overall, I fell a little ill that same weekend and ended up "wiped out" for a few days.  This site revamping has been a little slow as I have collected my thoughts and information for the pages.  Fortunately, some of the important bits are up now and I have some other work to do.  What I have noticed, however, is that since the end of the municipal election my readership has not declined.  People are still interested in hearing what I have to say (I hope) and that is humbling.  I am afraid that my political view points will be limited until when the new council is sworn in and takes their seats at the big table, but count on me giving my feed back on a number of key issues.


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