
Friday, October 1, 2010

Mayoral Canadidates at a Glance

I am quite active on Twitter. One of the things I was noticing over the last few days is that people want to have a "cheat sheet" for who's who and running for what. I decided I would take the day I pencilled in for my week for relaxing, doing very little and playing some video games (something I have not done in a while now) to write up a blog or three on who's who of the insane number of candidates. Without further delay, here is the list of mayoral candidates, linked to their websites, and a very brief synopsis of some of the issues they have highlighted.

Cesar Bello – Fewer words, more action! OC Transpo as an essential service, cancel tunnel, in favour of surface rail and ring road.

Idris Ben-Tahir – Concerned about poverty and unemployment.

Clive Doucet – Cancel tunnel and Lansdowne redevelopment (no penalties on first, $8mil on second), create surface LRT to link the city, fiscally frugal campaign platform, wants a greener more community based city and good governance for city of Ottawa.

Joseph Furtenbacher – Wants to fix fiscal issues, reset transit to use rail where available and reset Lansdowne Park to be a public green space.

Robert G. Gauthier – Freeze bus fare increases, agrees with Bus Rapid Transit, support unions and guarantee no transit strikes.

Andrew Haydon – Bus Rapid Transit over LRT and for the downtown tunnel, no fixed tax ideas, wants to run City of Ottawa like the former City of Nepean, move Gatineau city buses out of downtown and transplant at Bayview using Prince of Whales bridge.

Robert Larter – Exceedingly low key... Have not found information on him other than he ran in 2006 and captured some votes.

Robin Lawrance – Make mayor accountable, donation of $1000/month from mayor’s pocket to... charity I assume, would like to have transit extended to city-wide O-Train service.

Vincent Libweshya – US President Barack Obama’s “cousin”? YouTube enthusiast, Poet

Fraser Liscumb – Encourage Ottawa to live to their means, affordable and massive transit upgrades, permit Lansdowne to be developed as is, safe cycling initiatives and union cooperation.

Daniel Joseph Lyrette – Clean up the capital, no promises on taxes, matches “good and proper” ideas of other candidates, above ground bus system, Lansdowne Park is not for sale

Mike Maguire – Stop urban sprawl, increase awareness for rural residents, crime reduction a large concern, not a fan of green bin program, but favours Plasco.

Larry O’Brien – Downtown LRT and tunnel service, Ring Road around Ottawa, Motorcycle lanes on 417, 0% tax increase target.

Julio Pita – Could not find a speck of information on the candidate.

Sean Ryan – Wants to have the tunnel put in for transit, re-subsidizing transit fares, Lansdowne redevelopment needs to be re-approached, ban corporate donations to campaigns.

Michael St. Arnaud – Could not find a speck of information on the candidate.

Jane Scharf – Social activist, wants to pursue legal action for provincial and federal tax withdraws from Ottawa, support for local food for all, community policing.

Charlie Taylor – Pay cut to mayor’s office, fix poor fiscal management, increased efficiency in city buildings with respects to green power, cycling and walking as viable transportation options.

Jim Watson – Establish commissions to oversee transit issues and greener building initiatives, Mayoral reform and council such as gift registry limiting price tags to $200, 2.5% tax increase, and shrink city council.

Samuel Wright – Freeze student transit rates, funding for schools to increase, parks and recreation improvements.


ps. For Councillor and Ward Specific, please visit for your homework/cheat sheets.

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