
Monday, October 4, 2010

Who tweets for whom 2.0?

I have to take a station break from my typical politicking (read: I'll still say something, but I mean it to accentuate not my post) and address a major issue. As per usual, internet anonymity is creeping up on the Twitter-verse. I get the idea of the keyboard cowboy and I understand the concept of being the hero behind you're own screen name; after all, unless you truly know me, you have no idea how I feel, think or honestly believe on any given topic. Regardless, I wanted to take a quick moment and note that there has been a little bit of beguiling online with association to the municipal election.

On September 29, a report came out about the mayoral race and who tweets for whom ( One of the questions that came up a few times (at least among my friends not in the know) is “Who is @CliveForMayor?” Well, since we on Twitter saw a bit of confusion and internet trolling from one @OttawaSun (NOT someone whom represents the Ottawa Sun news paper), I am coming forward as the primary voice on @CliveForMayor. While I tweet on that account about what's going on with Clive, his campaign, the news, meanwhile @WillSamuel is my personal account. I am a volunteer and, as far as I am concerned, I am doing this because I am passionate about my city and about a good leader, not because there is a pay cheque at the end of the week. I do not want a mayor who has been destructive, nor do I want to have someone who is willing to take middle of the road and make arbitrary promises. I want someone who will fix what is wrong with my Ottawa; the transit is terrible, the local food economy is laughable, the community connection sucks, the fiscal responsibility is shameful and ignoring the official city plan has been destructive.

Regardless, I meant this less about politics about more about pulling back the curtain. Yes, I am @CliveForMayor (at least the primary person), @CliveDoucet is for point of fact Clive himself, and @OttawaSun is not a representative or known member of the news paper by the same name.


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